2011年4月12日 星期二



AWAKENING is the card for today. It can signal an AWAKENING that is as big as enlightenment or one that merely gets us out of a trap. Whatever it is we wake up to a new level in our lives and are moved forward as a result though there is the possibility of AWAKENING from dualism into Oneness going beyond the self altogether. have a powerful Day!
by Chuck

2011年4月11日 星期一



HEALING THE SEXUAL PREDATOR is the card for today. This is a good time to forgive ourselves (and others who reflect the shadows within) for all the times we have manipulated, controlled, coerced or seduced anyone into having sex with us. Even if that was what they wanted to do, if we manipulated, controlled, coerced or seduced another it built up this idea that we were a sexual predator. So whether it's true or we just believe it, that is good enough for the ego to punish us and build itself on. This belief opens us up to be preyed on sexually, in regard to money, creativity or other forms of energetic exchange. Today let's heal the root of all that but letting go of these beliefs that keeps us in the cycle of victim-victimizer.
by Chuck